I live in a community that has been trying to communicate with me for a long time. Having 26 hospitalizations over the last 18 years, it is easy to think it’s drugs, not taking my pills (which it has been some of the time) or something else within my control. I scare people away, or they just don’t know how to reach me. But just as some communities grow around someone who is deaf by learning ASL, my community is learning to grow with me. Whatever I have. #EmpathicCommunity
I win when my community is complete.
I win when 50% of houses and apartments in Bethany are occupied by people and families that can karmically afford them (at each LOC 1 – 1000).
Then I get my house (and I own it for each and every LOC). However, other people can own just one level of a house, or just 100 (not all 1000). This opens up a LOT of housing (like a land run) where immigrants from all across the world that are displaced by man-made wars and disasters from our #AngryEarthMother. Governor Stitt, Nikki Lloyd will need assistance with #LegalImmigration to my smart city. (as will the other mayors of our other small smart cities – Okc, Nichols Hills, Warr Acres, Yukon, Carlton Landing). But we should end up with a #TrueRennisanceMeltingPot (not imagined by AI – completely imagined by real people with good karma), and lead by kids (who the Earth belongs to). This is #TheHeavenOnEarthCode, #AMindVirusGoneRight.
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